Well, I made it to Laholm to do some Salmon fishing in Lagan River.
To sum it up, here it goes....
Low Water, 90 degrees (nearly 30 C) and fish everywhere....but I caught nothing.
Met some GREAT people, fished a lot and BOUGHT A NEW SPEY ROD! Yeah baby, a two-hander! Its a bit tricky to use, but the casting is good and requires less energy to do.
Camped near the river, brought my little gas stove and tent and tried more the next day. Was hard, hot and no one caught anything (from what I know).
Hopefully, I'll get back out again soon. I even have a few small rivers in the area, Norrköping and Nyköping. Tolik, myself and Tolik's buddy (and maybe my buddy Johan) will be going up NORTH to fish. Hårkan and Lagån, two incredible Jämtland rivers. I'll post a bit more later!