Hello Everyone!
I just just want to say, HEJ, and welcome to my new site. I dont particularly care for blogs, but since I want to send and share pictures with people of my 'adventures' this is the perfect way of doing so!
You'll see a video here of me skiing in Åre, Sweden. Telemark Style Baby! That is a free heel form of skiing downhill, almost like cross country style...but a bit more sophisticated.
Also, as I had 'reported' earlier, I am now employed at Linkoping University as a researcher for Biodiesel production in Tanzania. This is a project between Linkoping University and a company called Ageratec. You can check out this page, with just my personal info, i.e. phone, email, etc.
http://www.iei.liu.se/envtech/om-oss/michael_martin?l=enTake care!